Adventure of the Week: NC754 From Speirs Wharf to Bowling

A Fun Day Out

My two girls (11 and 10 years) and I decided we wanted a nice, relaxing cycle – somewhere off the roads for a change so we didn’t have to worry about traffic, and instead just have fun. 

We opted for cycle path NC754, the section  which runs from Speirs Wharf out to Bowling (it also connects at Speirs Wharf onto Falkirk and the Falkirk Wheel if you go in an easterly direction). 

The Adventure Starts from Speirs Wharf

We were planning to take our bikes on the train into town and start at Speirs Wharf, but due to Covid-19, we decided to pack our bikes onto the car, and park close to Firhill Stadium, and join the canal path about 2miles along from Speirs Wharf.

Our route was around 10.5 miles from our starting point out to Bowling, and it was a lovely, leisurely cycle. 

As you are cycling along the canal path, not only is the view stunning, and makes you forget you are in the heart of a city, it is also relatively flat. 

The main change of elevation is at Maryhill Locks, which when going west is downwards, so unfortunately it meant a hill for us on the way back – but is was over and done with within a minute, honest!

Beautiful Surroundings

Along the canal path there is lots of nature to be spotted – birds, duck, swans and even a couple of herons. 

There are plenty of places to stop along the way for a rest or a picnic, including Lock 27 pub at Anniesland on the canal path itself, which is child friendly.

At Clydebank, you veer slightly off the canal path into the pedestrianised area outside the shopping centre, before joining back onto the canal path – no biggie at all, just follow the water! 

You also have one main road to cross not far after this pedestrianised area, but again it is well signposted, a pedestrian crossing to keep you safe, and the canal is always in sight.

Under the Erskine Bridge

Our favourite part had to be cycling underneath the Erskine Bridge.  It is such an iconic bridge that can be spotted from afar, so to cycle under it was pretty cool. 

We opted to cycle the full way and have our picnic at Bowling. This took us about 1hr 20mins. 

We took the bikes down onto the beach and enjoyed the peace and quiet whilst eating our lunch. 

It is possible to join onto the #7 route onto Balloch (about a further 10 miles), but we simply went to the local shop and grabbed an ice cream before starting our journey back! 

The journey back seemed to whizz by, and before we knew it, we were back where we had originally joined.

A Route Perfect for Families

The canal path is fantastic for cycling on, especially for families.  You can join and leave the path at many places, so you can do as little or as much as you want.  It is well worth exploring to see Glasgow from a different perspective.

Do you have a favourite route you’d like to share with the Veloworld community? Get in touch using the form below and you could be featured in our next Adventure of the Week blog post.